In Loving Memory: Heather Nelson, Chapeltown's Guiding Star

In Loving Memory: Heather Nelson, Chapeltown's Guiding Star


Introduction: A Community's Heartbeat

Heather Nelson Leeds

In the vibrant heart of Chapeltown, a community came together, united in remembrance and love. We gathered to pay tribute to a remarkable soul, Heather Nelson. To us at The CC Family, Heather was more than an advocate for social justice, health equality, and education. She was a guiding light, a force for good, and a dear friend. As the CEO of Black Health Initiative, Heather wasn't just leading; she was inspiring change and making a real difference.

The Evening of Remembrance

Hosted by the esteemed Dr. Delroy Hall, a figure synonymous with mental health advocacy, the evening was a reflection of Heather's values. Dr. Hall, with his significant work in the Black Male Suicide Prevention programme, mirrored the dedication Heather had for mental wellbeing. The event began with the soulful tunes of Caution Collection & Lara Rose. Their music, echoing the depth and passion of Heather's life, set a tone of heartfelt reflection and celebration.

Celebrating Heather's Impact

Throughout the night, eminent personalities like Dr. Sharon Watson MBE, Tom Riordan, Dr. Xina Broderick, Kaneez Khan, Abiye Hector-Goma, and Sofy Ramzan shared their experiences and perspectives. Each speech unveiled a different facet of Heather's vast influence, spanning from the arts to community services and public health.

Our Connection with Heather

As a proud member of The CC Family, we had the honor of working closely with her through the Black Health Initiative. From supporting her initiatives like the soup kitchen and food bank drives to collaborating on various programs, our journey with Heather has been one of learning, growth, and shared vision. We remain committed to continuing Heather's legacy, working hand-in-hand with the new leadership to keep her dreams alive.

A Vibrant Conclusion

The ceremony reached a stirring climax with a performance by Graft, a talent from our own Chapeltown. His music, deeply rooted in the community Heather adored, was a testament to her nurturing spirit and her influence on local talent.

A Community United in Remembrance

The presence of Councillor Sharon Hamilton and Arthur France added a profound sense of community to the event. As we left, the echoing sentiment was clear: Heather may have left us in body, but her spirit, vision, and unyielding commitment to bettering the world remain with us. We, as a community and as The CC Family, pledge to keep Heather's flame alive, ensuring her aspirations continue to inspire and guide us in all our endeavors.

Abiye Hector-Goma

Abiye Hector-Goma is a dedicated General Practitioner known for his significant involvement in various health initiatives and community projects. His work often focuses on improving healthcare accessibility and quality, particularly in underserved communities. Abiye is recognized for his compassionate approach to patient care, his commitment to public health, and his active participation in initiatives that aim to address health disparities. His contributions extend beyond clinical practice, as he engages in educational and advocacy roles to enhance community health and wellbeing.

Kaneez & Her Colleague

Kaneez Khan is a prominent figure known for her extensive work in community services and interfaith relations. She has played a vital role in shaping government strategy, particularly in reaching communities disproportionately affected during the Covid-19 pandemic. Her efforts are characterized by a deep commitment to social cohesion and public health. Kaneez's work often bridges cultural and religious divides, fostering unity and understanding within diverse communities. Her leadership and advocacy have been instrumental in promoting inclusivity and resilience during challenging times.

Dr Sharon Watson MBE

Sharon Watson is a distinguished figure in the world of contemporary dance. She has made significant contributions as the CEO and Principal of the Northern School of Contemporary Dance and as the former Artistic Director of Phoenix Dance Theatre. Renowned for her innovative choreography and dynamic leadership, Sharon has been instrumental in shaping the landscape of contemporary dance in the UK. Her work extends beyond performance art, encompassing education and community engagement, thereby broadening the reach and impact of dance as a medium. Recognized for her contributions to the arts, Sharon has been honored with an MBE and other accolades, underlining her status as a leading light in her field.

Graft The Singer

Graft is a rising talent and dynamic artist from Chapeltown, known for his compelling music and strong community connections. His work, characterized by a blend of raw emotion and powerful storytelling, resonates deeply with the local audience and beyond. Graft's performances are not just entertainment; they are a reflection of his community's spirit and experiences. His involvement in various community events and initiatives demonstrates his commitment to using his art to inspire, engage, and bring positive change. As a local figure, Graft's influence extends beyond music, making him a symbol of cultural pride and community resilience in Chapeltown.

Khadjia Ibrahim

Khadija Ibrahim is a renowned poet, playwright, and literary activist, widely recognized for her powerful and evocative storytelling. Her work often explores themes of identity, culture, and heritage, drawing heavily from her own experiences and the rich tapestry of life in diverse communities. Khadija's poetry and plays are celebrated for their ability to connect deeply with audiences, offering insightful perspectives on social and personal narratives. As a literary activist, she is committed to promoting literacy, encouraging creative expression, and nurturing new voices in the arts. Her influence extends into educational realms, where she inspires and mentors young writers and performers, fostering a love for literature and the arts in the next generation. Khadija Ibrahim's contributions have made her a respected and influential figure in the world of contemporary literature and community arts.


Heather Nelson's life was a journey of courage, love, and relentless pursuit of justice. As we move forward, we carry her legacy in our hearts, committed to embodying the values she championed. Her memory will forever be a beacon guiding The CC Family and the wider Chapeltown community.

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